October 2023
Thank you for your participation in the Family Financial Well-Being Collaborative Full Group Meeting. To view the August 2023 FFWB Collaborative Full group Meeting, click here.
Bruce Stenslie
President and CEO, ED Collaborative, and UpLift Central Coast Coalition Member
Bruce will present the UpLift Central Coast Coalition’s initiative for making CA’s Central Coast economically viable and resilient with growth, expansion, and diversification built around sustainable economies. The Uplift Central Coast Coalition, led by REACH, is a six-county partnership led by three economic development organizations (including Economic Development Collaborative) united to attract investment and expand opportunity for residents throughout Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties.
4001 Mission Oaks Blvd Suite A-1, Camarillo, CA 93012
Economic Development Collaborative
Alondra Gaytan - Director of Strategic Relations
(805) 702-8350
Setting up listening sessions, industry roundtable meetings, and issue based roundtable meetings. If you would like to support in any way feel free to contact Alondra.
Ventura County Public Health
Sara Rivera
Visit or submit resources to our Community-Based Events & Resources page at: www.vchsa.org/community-resources
Ventura County Human Services Agency
Sonia Kroth
Community Relations Manager
Equifax, Experian and TransUnion have permanently extended a program that lets you check your credit report ONCE A WEEK for FREE! Visit http://AnnualCreditReport.com now for complete details and request your free credit reports.
¡Equifax, Experian y TransUnion han extendido permanentemente un programa que le permite verificar su informe crediticio UNA VEZ POR SEMANA GRATIS! Visite http://AnnualCreditReport.com ahora para obtener detalles completos y solicitar sus informes de crédito gratuitos.
San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank
Jessica Coria
The Board of Governors will be hearing the CRA modernization rule 10/24.
Sign up for the Community Development newsletter from the SF Fed: https://sffed.us/CDSignUp
Oxnard Housing Authority
Jaime Arellano
Oxnard Housing Authority is partnering with First Five Ventura County to provide parenting classes at our agency, in the Colonia area.
Financial Workshop (on buying a car) on 10/24 working with the Ventura County Credit Union.
Housing Field Representative for Assembly Member Steve Bennet
Hannah Elson
District Office number: (805) 485-4745
Assembly member Bennet is back in the district, using this time to meet with constituents & stake holders, and will be planning new legislation for the ‘24 session. Two new bills signed by Governor and chaptered into CA code:
Student Schoolboard Bill: provides students who attend schools under county jurisdiction the opportunity to serve on the county school board.
Salmonoid Population Monitoring Bill: Establishes monitoring for salmonoid population for conservation services