If you are a homeowner who is at least 62 years old, VCCDC's Homeownership Specialists can help you determine if a reverse mortgage is right for you. Our Homeownership Specialists can provide the required HUD-approved Reverse Mortgage Counseling, which includes:
Evaluating the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage for your situation
Explaining how reverse mortgages work, including payment options, costs, tax implications, benefits and drawbacks
Providing alternative options
Connecting you to other community resources
A counseling completion certificate which is required should you decide to move forward with a reverse mortgage
Upon the completion of the Reverse Mortgage counseling, you should be able to make an independent, informed decision of whether a reverse mortgage will meet your specific needs.
The current fee for Reverse Mortgage Counseling can be found at vccdc.org/resources at “Fee Schedule” or call 805-273-7800. The counseling fee is due at the time of your session via debit/credit card on the day of your session. If paying by check, please make it payable to VCCDC and mail it to 2231 Sturgis Road, Suite A, Oxnard, CA 93030 in advance to ensure it arrives before your session. Appointments are currently offered via phone or virtual conference. In-person appointments can be requested.